Wildlife Removal Services in Denver: How to Get Rid of Pesky Creatures

Although humans get along well with domesticated animals, wildlife is very different. Wild animals have evolved and been conditioned to by nature to live in wild habitats without taking into account the recent rise of human technology – which often restricts them and forces them to find alternative food sources. If you live somewhere on the outskirts of Denver, you’ve probably run into this problem. Because of increased construction and urban sprawl, animals are losing their habitats and finding their ways into human dwellings to an ever-increasing extent.

Unfortunately, no matter how much we love animals and enjoy their company, many of the ones that stray on your property might be very different from the friendly cats and dogs we all enjoy the company of. Raccoons, squirrels and skunks are just some examples, and there are cases when critters that are more dangerous might find their way to someone’s property as well. When that happens, people have to think about their safety and the safety of their children as well.

animal removal Denver

Fortunately, animal removal Denver services like Wildlife Inc exist for this very purpose: to get rid of pesky creatures humanely and prevent them from coming back to terrorize your household or steal food from your business.

The methods involved are quite diverse, but always humane:

  • Cages with one-way doors using simple mechanical triggers that trap the animal once it enters are the most common. These traps are often lined with soft material on the inside to prevent the animal from hurting itself as it panics and tries to escape.
  • Some body grip traps are allowed for rodents like mice and rats, and some of them can also be used without a permit on one’s property in Colorado.
  • Nuisance wildlife regulations don’t always match animal rights laws in Colorado and other states, so you might find that some body-gripping, cable devices and leg-hold devices are legal to use. Professionals only use the most humane and efficient of these methods.
  • Glue traps are also used for catching insects and rodents that might have made their way onto your property. For larger infestations of significantly harmful critters, however, you might need to talk to an exterminator.
  • On many occasions, trapping pits can also work for animals that are more intelligent and could spot a cage or another visible trap more easily and avoid it.

Be advised that any leg-hold trap or body-gripping trap that can cause harm or stress to the animal it traps is illegal to use in the state of Colorado to trap certain species of wildlife. If you prefer to research and use your own traps, you might even run into trouble with the law even though you chose a trap considered by some to be humane. Although some regulation might be more lax for rodents and mice, raccoons are legal to trap without a permit, but they have to be relocated within a radius of up to 10 miles from the place they were caught.

These types of regulations and laws keep changing, and if you’re not aware of the changes, you can run into a lot of difficulties. So relying on dependable and knowledgeable experts like those from Wildlife Inc. might be your best choice in this time of changing policies relating to animal rights and wildlife protection.